Today marks the 6 month anniversary of the worst loss of life for Special Operation Forces. On August 6, 2011 our nation was rocked by tragedy when a CH-47 Chinook carrying 38 Warriors was shot down by a rocket propelled grenade in the Wardack Province of Afghanistan killing all 38 people on board. Of those who died, 17 were U.S. Navy SEALs, 5 were U.S. Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Command Support personnel, 5 were crew members from the U.S. Army's 7th Battallion, 158th Aviation Regiment and 2nd Batallion, 135th Aviation Regiment, 2 were special operations U.S. Air Force Pararescuemen (PJ's) and 1 Combat Controller from the Air Force Special Operation Command (AFSOC); also on board was a highly trained U.S. military dog.
Sadly, the event was reminiscent of a blow we felt a little over six years ago on June 28, 2005, when we lost 11 U.S. Navy SEALs and 8 of our U.S. Army's Night Stalkers in Operation Red Wings. Until August 6th that had been the single worst loss of life in the Special Operations Command in Afghanistan. The similarities and immense number of casualties served as a chilling reminder of the grief felt six years ago.
Those killed were not just warriors. They were sons, brothers, husbands, fathers and friends to so many.
Those killed were not just warriors. They were sons, brothers, husbands, fathers and friends to so many.
Please take a moment to Honor Them and their sacrifice.
May they Never be Forgotten.
(please click on the individual links)
Army Sgt. Alexander J. Bennett 24, of Tacoma, Wash.; assigned to 7th Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment (General Support Aviation Battalion)
Navy Special Warfare Operator Petty Officer 1st Class (SEAL) Darrik C. Benson 28, of Angwin, Calif.; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Navy Special Warfare Operator Master Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) Brian R. Bill 31, of Stamford, Conn.; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Air Force Tech. Sgt. John W. Brown 33, of Tallahassee, Fla.; assigned to 24th Special Tactics Squadron, Pope Field, N.C.
Navy Special Warfare Operator Petty Officer 1st Class (SEAL/Parachutist) Christopher G. Campbell 36, of Jacksonville, N.C.; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Army Chief Warrant Officer 4 David R. Carter 47, of Centennial, Colo.; assigned to 2nd Battalion, 135th Aviation Regiment (General Support Aviation Battalion)
Navy Information Systems Technician Petty Officer 1st Class (Expeditionary Warfare Specialist/Freefall Parachutist) Jared W. Day 28, of Taylorsville, Utah; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team
Navy Master-at-Arms Petty Officer 1st Class (Expeditionary Warfare Specialist) John Douangdara 26, of South Sioux City, Neb.; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.

Army Spc. Spencer C. Duncan 21, of Olathe, Kan.; assigned to 7th Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment (General Support Aviation Battalion)
Navy Special Warfare Operator Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) John W. Faas 31, of Minneapolis; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Army Staff Sgt. Patrick D. Hamburger 30, of Lincoln, Neb.; assigned to 2nd Battalion, 135th Aviation Regiment (General Support Aviation Battalion)
Air Force Staff Sgt. Andrew W. Harvell 26, of Long Beach, Calif.; assigned to 24th Special Tactics Squadron, Pope Field, N.C.
Navy Special Warfare Operator Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) Kevin A. Houston 35, of West Hyannisport, Mass.; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Navy Lt. Cmdr. (SEAL) Jonas B. Kelsall 32, of Shreveport, La.; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Navy Special Warfare Operator Master Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) Louis Langlais 44, of Santa Barbara, Calif.; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Navy Special Warfare Operator Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) Matthew D. Mason 37, of Kansas City, Mo.; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Navy Special Warfare Operator Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) Stephen M. Mills 35, of Fort Worth, Texas; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Bryan J. Nichols 31, of Hays, Kan.; assigned to 7th Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment (General Support Aviation Battalion)
Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician Chief Petty Officer (Expeditionary Warfare Specialist/Freefall Parachutist/Diver) Nicholas H. Null 30, of Washington, W.Va.; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Navy Special Warfare Operator Petty Officer 1st Class (SEAL) Jesse D. Pittman 27, of Willits, Calif.; assigned to a West Coast-based Naval Special Warfare unit.
Navy Special Warfare Operator Senior Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) Thomas A. Ratzlaff 34, of Green Forest, Ark.; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Navy Special Warfare Operator Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) Robert J. Reeves 32, of Shreveport, La.; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Navy Special Warfare Operator Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) Heath M. Robinson 34, of Detroit; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Navy Special Warfare Operator Petty Officer 2nd Class (SEAL) Nicholas P. Spehar 24, of St. Paul, Minn.; assigned to a West Coast-based Naval Special Warfare unit.
Navy Cryptologist Technician (Collection) Petty Officer 1st Class (Expeditionary Warfare Specialist) Michael J. Strange 25, of Philadelphia; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Navy Special Warfare Operator Petty Officer 1st Class (SEAL/Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist) Jon T. Tumilson 35, of Rockford, Iowa; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Navy Special Warfare Operator Petty Officer 1st Class (SEAL) Aaron C. Vaughn 30, of Stuart, Fla.; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician Senior Chief Petty Officer (Expeditionary Warfare Specialist/Freefall Parachutist) Kraig M. Vickers 36, of Kokomo, Hawaii; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Navy Special Warfare Operator Petty Officer 1st Class (SEAL) Jason R. Workman 32, of Blanding, Utah; assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL team.
Air Force Tech. Sgt. Daniel L. Zerbe 28, of York, Pa.; assigned to 24th Special Tactics Squadron, Pope Field, N.C.