Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day

History tells us tales of brave warriors and fierce soldiers who will fight to defend our freedoms and liberties without hesitance. As children, we sat in classrooms and read text books with images depicting battle scenes of men with weapons drawn. Do those books do justice to all our brave and selfless military has done for us, though? 

It takes a certain kind of man or woman to be willing to risk everything that they have for a cause which is bigger than they are. In fact that type of person is so rare that our current United States Armed Forces only accounts for 1% of our population. That number is staggering low and should be an awakening to all of us that there are not many who are willing to stand up and protect all that we hold dear.

Throughout the years our troops have fought in many wars. During that time we have lost a great deal of our sons and daughters. While we will forever honor the men and women who have fallen, we must also remember to pay our respects and gratitude to those who are still with us. 

Those who have served are instilled with a duty to protect and serve our country and it's people. It's more than an idea. It's a way of life for them. Their duty to serve is ingrained somewhere deep within them, never leaving, always prevalent, always true. Our veterans are part of a unique group of individuals who hold steadfast to a form of honor that goes deeper than the written word. 

I call on every American nationwide to find a way to honor our Veterans on this day. As the day passes and Saturday comes, honor them again. Then on Sunday, honor them again. As you begin a new your new work week and Monday comes, honor them again. Do you sense the pattern? HONOR THEM forever and always.



  1. I am Veteran from Kosova and a now the contribution of the american solders in my counry specialy and around the world, good bless the USA Veterans

  2. Hello Amanda, Thank you for your retweet of the message from "Honor For All" regarding the PTSD petition and HFA founder, Thomas Mahany, going to the White House on May 7th. Mr. Mahany would like to invite you to speak at the HFA annual event in Washington D.C. on June 27, 2012. Can you kindly email him at for further details? I can't seem to locate your email address on your blog to send you his letter directly.
    Thank you,
    Kathy Fink
