Sunday, November 27, 2011

U.S. Army memorial knife for Wardak, Afghanistan, Extortion 17

In honor of the 5 crewmen lost from the 158th Aviation Regiment and the 135th Aviation Regiment, U.S. Army National Guard aboard Extortion 17, Wardak, Afghanistan, 8/6/11, DS&S Tactical is offering for auction a very special knife.... This CQBT-B Advanced Combat Knife - a M390 Super Steel blade has now been coated with Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) - the toughest, most advanced coating available for knife blades. The knife is being auctioned off with 100% of the proceeds to benefit the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.


The production of this blade was made possible by Donny Bassett and the Society for the Preservation of Military History as well as the work of Re-New Sharpening and the assistance of Waterjet Cutting Inc. of Albuquerque. The next-generation coating was applied by Ion Bond and the engraving was done by KaMo Engravers of Albuquerque. The concept for this blade came from a discussion with Ssgt Manny Alvarez, U.S. Army.

1 comment:

  1. Extortion 17 saved my life that day and that of my Platoon we were set to go to Wardak a few hours after they went down at around 0500, thank you my brothers, you were trained to save lives, you saved my team and you didn't even know it, thank you, you were the best of the best in any nation under any circumstance you are my brothers in this life and the next.
